Also done with my entry!
Oh I probably will still tweak it quite a bit especially if we're farther out from the due date than expected. Also the light makes its appear a...
I had completely forgot when the due date for it was, I mean considering it's the first art contest outside of mini paintings we've held I...
More fluff! Fluff fan! Welcome Scorbol!
thanks! no too much I can add in now that I have put some color down. but I am very pleased with it!
Here is an update of the thing
Because I hate myself I went from digital to traditional for the picture. and Yes, they have pants
@spawning of Bob , you seem to forget I am glutton for punishment and do everything the hard way art wise.
Bob looks exceptionally fetching in that skirt
Welcome! I look forward to seeing your artistic contributions! (Art for the art gods)
Someone motivate me to finish my entry.
I really love what people are planning on doing for the dread saurians. Me, I am thinking of coughing up the money for the full model though, I am...
If there are any more armies on the block we will probably know/notice within another year or so. I mean I sorta hope not but at least we are...
I will! Along with some of his tyranids potentially. His army is almost complete so now he is progressing to his space skaven
You speak the truth. I haven't had to stop reading a story from second hand embarrassment once. Meaning we are all indeed pretty great.
Actually gonna chuck my two cents on this. In theory you could have a daemon of order and not necessarily like a lawful evil sorta deal. Daemon...
I can't give him pants until I have my tablet back. He will get pants then, do not fret.
I need to actually get mine more done but alas sitting in an airport with no tablet for rating is well leaving me at a loss. So back to work on it...
I have seen a troglodon once? Though I forget who it was yeah n810 is the Slann of the first spawning
Ah don't count yourself out there! I still got a ways to go before my stuff is realllly good