@spawning of Bob I was going to enter then life got in the way!
I...umm...what am I looking at here? I am more than just a lil concerned
What you do with it is you make and build it and paint and then display it because...reasons just because. My boyfriend has a giant Cthulu he is...
Their models are definitely good sculpt wise. I actually almost bought their green dragon hatchling instead. It looked really good for such a...
Snagged it from Pandemonium Games andBooks in Massachusetts. Really great lil shop. They haven't gotten more in a bit but they usually have a wall...
I have decided to keep my lizard man paint log and any other pieces of painting I have done separate from each other for the meanwhile. I have yet...
Hello from new to old! I second everyone else, loving those pig riders! Great work all around!
Yer an awkward camera angle
I have finally begun my contribution [spoiler]
Well, fourth and fifth rib are good too, though I doubt a picture or a pencil would aggressive enough to cause that much damage.