Hellcannon of the gods mounted on ancient carnosaur of the snake god.
.....hmmmm ...hellcannons actually seem like a proper and balanced and totally fair addition to the SA.......
Sry for the quick response, am on the phone on the move! :P
@NIGHTBRINGER Things has actually changed since I said that (and im not leading you on here). A clear statement has been sent from liz'players,...
I have a statement: I personally understand all of your frustrations, and I would like for you who have a user on the 9th forum make your...
I agree on most if not all of what you just said Nightbringer. They do not when you count in the halbard or shield ;)
For anyone interested, here is the release notes :) http://www.the-ninth-age.com/news/index.php?news/248-announcement-of-the-9th-age-0-99-release/&
made a thread for you guys, so the subject stays clean ;) http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/saurian-ancients-0-99-discussion.17584/
Here it is guys, the official BETA :) http://www.the-ninth-age.com/pdf/the-ninth-age_Saurian_Ancients_0-99-0.pdf I would like for everyone who...
regarding you guys wanting to judge if 9th is for you, I can totally understand that. Luckily for you, it probably wont go anywhere even if you...
My 9th Age duty prohibits me of telling you guys anything directly from the release, but I can give you some background infomation, as I think you...
Regarding leaving or joining 9th age: Please remember it is still beta, and that we havent even been at it half a year. Also: version 1.00 will...
I think the odds of this all going back is slim. If you send me playtesting I csn pass it on though.
and TG is worse and more expensive WoC. .... sigh.
you know what is grinding my gears? Warriors have better shooting options in core now. Barbarians 60 pts 15 models, may add up to 35 models 4...
I am yelling things into the night that should go unheard for children. But we will see....not sure Myanus is truly prepared.
As long as we all gather beneath the gaze of the old ones, lustria stands :D
Unsupported games dies of. Thats the problem the community reacted on. "I invested hours upon hours and heaps of money on this, and now they try...
I start to see the picture, but I hope we can all agree that the rage regarding AoS taking Fantasys place is justified. In no way are those games...
How about allies? Any general rules to follow, or is the loss of synergy the automatic balancer?