Hey guys! Rumour has it that our Cowboys dont see much use in 9th do to the price increase, so I was wondering: How are you running yours? I...
Did it work? :D
New title...same guy :P This means I will no longer be army support for SA (officially) but I will still chip in on what is going on in the SA...
trust me...its a big issue internally :P The Army book guys are struggling to not overnerf the skinks, but are forced to from outside factors....
Just bought a new work pc with a strong geforce card for 3d and video rendering, so I should be good :D
Thanks for all answers guys! I have passed on the results as well as the core of your statements :) YOU HAVE HEREBY PUT YOUR FINGER ON 9th AGE!
That is exactly it :)
That is marvelous! and WAUW that chameleon skink is well hidden!
Very well put Lawot! It is exactly what the developers are trying to figure out, but it hasnt been put to such detail yet! Could I perhaps...
You share what you want to :D Welcome. Be aware of @spawning of Bob ... he bites!
but...Tyrannosaurus goes under "Real" and not "english" :P
Hey guys! just gonna copy paste a poll im handling (sorry @NIGHTBRINGER ) on the 9th age forum. Would love you guys who aren't over there to chip...
Im in tears
Well, my entire community adopted 9th the second ETC said "we roll with this".
Had this thought myself! :D It would be a nice way to "playtest" new unit entries. If such a list provides a unit that makes perfect sense to...
Hey scalemates! Lately ive been thinking a lot of 9th Age and its evolution. What it came from, what it is and what it is becoming. On that I...
Im confused!! Apperantly my mind forgot how to brain!
That they are not in the raptor ridrr entry :P
Might wanna go to the age of sigmar part of the forum to get aƄttention from other buyers :)