Clubs and Spears are close, as you said, with clubs outperforming spears on 4+ saves and higher, and spears found better against 2+ saves, and 3+...
I agree. With the Arcane Vassal change, I think it could use a small point reduction. Games Workshop isn't always good about reducing the cost...
And don't forget Primordial Mire. In Koatl's Claw, if they can't charge you, you can charge them and get your +1 to wound. Or just not fight and...
I second that. They are still great. I agree on the -1 to hit aura, but would also draw attention to Primordial Mire, which is a superb spell....
If attacking with two glass cannon melee units in the same turn, one issue we have — whether two units of rippers, two units of chargers or one of...
Yes, Chargers are still the most efficient unit in our army in terms of damage per point. I was referring to damage output (I'll clarify that...
Ripperdactyls in Units of 6 (for 220 points) can now outperform Raptadon Chargers (EDIT: in terms of raw damage output and survivability). The...
The Aggradon Primal Rage ability was pretty lackluster when the battletome came out. But the change to coherency rules changed Aggradons from a...
I definitely mean SKINK keyword and not just the skink battleline unit.
I could be wrong, but my suspicion is that we're going to find that mixed lists outperform all skink or all saurus lists. Starborne lists will...
Yeah, warriors a great. I'm also really glad they fixed bite so that the opponent cannot take units off the board from the weapon attacks to pull...
I think Saurus are more relevant than ever. The context here was how to defeat Khorne with a Magic Dom army. But Saurus Warriors are a solid...
Points are always tight in our new battletome. Every time I build a list and am considering Hunters, I end up thinking, "but I could have another...
Love it! And you even were able to use up the 5 points from the Slann's non-rounded point cost!
lol I guess I should have clarified that I wasn't just suggesting flooding the battlefield with the Warscroll "skinks" as much as the keyword...
With the new coherency rules, Ripperdactyls are very good now in reinforced units of 6. They are quite comparable to 5 Raptadon Chargers. 6 cost...
So with the recent FAQ, Telepathic Summons got the expected nerf. The teleported unit must now be teleported 9" from enemy units and cannot move....
It's worth calling out that an Arcane Tome on a Stegadon Chief, Ripperdactyl Chief or Terradon Chief will make those units vassals for the Slann,...
With the updates to rules and points with the new General's Handbook, Battlescroll and FAQ, a lot has changed for us. I thought I would add some...
Starborne are a very flexible, mobile control list. They have a lot of mortal wound and debuffs spells, but aren't dependant on them. In another...