I'm not convinced that they're garbage. It's still a Stegadon, and it can heal itself, and that comes with a good amount of survivability. As I...
Oops. Technical difficulties.
The Stegadons may be over-priced, but points can be adjusted. As for the Engine of the Gods, it's not what it used to be, but it's not useless....
In this spell casting list, to help tank while the CPP are accumulating, what do you all think about bringing extra guards? 130 points for 10...
I doubt the mount trait is legal now. It's sad that we don't have one. But I'm especially disappointed we didn't get any cool spacetime,...
I for one want a balanced army. Yeah, some of our hardest hitters were toned down offensively, but they were largely strengthened defensively....
Remember though that all of our monsters got more wounds, more rend and don't start to lose their stats so early due to wounds. That's all a...
They don't like that Tzeentch is so strong. They're just showing their defiance by resisting any change.
I have the same dilemma. I'm even considering getting the engine from this set and another of the original engine and mixing their parts to make...
Oh, that also means that, like the original Realmshaper Engine, the sides are likely reversible to make a clean, vineless version.
I just compared the image I posted earlier to the Realmshaper Engine I have, and I'm quite confident it's the same size, because it looks like the...
This is a reference to the new Warcry Nightmare Quest box set that was revealed today. [ATTACH]
24MW per turn is about what Kroak should average if he successfully casts Celestial Deliverance 4 times (on a modified 4+ on 2D6 with the...
Oh, I hadn't noticed it's a totem. I looked up the rule, and it means it can issue command to units within 18". That's an important addition.
Some thoughts on the new Engine of the Gods. As many have stated before, the new Engine ability isn't all that good. It has some useful powers,...
I had read a review that suggested that all the Starborne Star-host Battalions gave the same ability as each other, and all the Coalesced...
Dominating Mind is also a pretty good Command Trait, and reason to sometimes pass on Master of the Material Plane. Among other uses, I believe...
The Earth Trembles, the new Coalesced Slann spell, didn't impress me much. You draw a line from the caster to any corner of the table, and every...
I ran the numbers, and got different ones for the chargers, so I checked both our work to see what was wrong, and I think I found it. The...