ah ok.
I don't have my book on me, why cant you put a cloak of feathers on the steg/chief?
Im def a fan of the stegs with bows. TL is the way I play and I keep the flamers on the chief if I run him as the general, (which is most of the...
That First picture has some sort of flying drake in it, that would be a great new unit for Fyreslayers. they need a fast attack unit, and it...
Nids are formed fully grown from and not from eggs, im going to agree sylvaneth
I don't think its a nid, unless they are making some sort of diorama model that has one chained to a structure of some sort after it had been...
its similar to Carnifex's in 40k, they deploy as a unit of up to 3 models, and then operate and count as separate units afterwards. not to far a...
ALWAYS USE THE BOOK ALWAYS. the apps are junk and often have glitches and aren't always up to date. the only thing that over rides the book is the FAQ
with a little Balewind cheat forward trick too lol
This is incorrect. there is no rule that sates a Saurus warrior model cannot be both a icon bearer and a war drummer, and the count is 1 in 5. so...
Random necro of the day lol
9th edition 40k fixes this with their new unit cohesion rules, units with more than 5 models (or is it 10... still new haven't memorized it yet)...
I say just get rid of the "wholly within" wording. bam problem solved. even if you have to reduce the range of the buff to account for it. if I...
I go 6x HG and 2x exo. I have always loved my Exo's and the new tank/monster rules only helped them.
Based on your expected meta, and the redundancy already built in to protect the easy to snipe Starpriest, I would take that 70 and get a second...
Yeah, i hear ya and mostly agree. im in the process of switching over to a Hive guard heavy army. problem is they have been out of stock recently,...
I don't think we have a 2k one drop any more after new book.
that's not exactly how that works, all it would take is the enemy having 2 models in range to steal it from you, unless the battle plan...
There was a specific designers commentary, and this question and that ruling are in this forum already somewhere. I recall because I was part of...
now to see if my 'nids get any love.... before the NEXT edition lol. effing blast weapons