I cant view that link at work, any chance I can get you to DM me it so I don't have to hunt through the forums again?
What is it a mini of? a named character or just a new Death guard CSM?
@Dread Saurian you got a superfan
Saurus lists can be "good" at this level, but they wont be competitive based on what you have already said about the level of competitiveness of...
honest bit of advice? 500 point games suck. you either dominate or get dominated based on matchups and over all competitiveness of the league....
oh ok ill make sure to break it down to the 3 crayon dennys special for you next time *rolls eyes*
…. I literally said the same thing. LITERALLY But you spend 2 weeks arguing against me just to "like" someone else that LITERALLY said the same...
no I gave reasoning, based in this games logic/rules AND then said that same logic has been applied to other games with the same results. dude...
the charge of the light brigade wants its infamy back lol. is it just me or does that not look like 2k?
I mean multiple experience players told you it works, and one even point out exactly how to avoid the table argument with your opponent. I really...
but whats the math on those mortals hitting. that's a one sided assessment
you just made the distinction yourself. you pay for the MODEL. the SPELL is cast and dismissed. once it is dismissed it no longer exists, and the...
negative on that basti vs basti assessment. the moment the ark gets bracketed its over. and the sheer volume of attacks from the solar that hit...
its not the same endless spell after its dismissed. the model doesn't remember the ability. additionally its not a triggered ability, its a...
yes. when they moved the LOSAT to the end of the move phase they made this possible. YOU choose the order of events for stuff that triggers at the...
I make the characters look like and name them after friends. they provide plenty of personality lol
not sure how you play XCOM but I love my team and reset if any are hurt too bad lmao
and cloak of feathers lol
now if they made it a mid level caster and gave it two casts a turn instead of one, to bridge between the star priest and the slann….
XCOM skinned and skilled for AOS factions would be amaze-balls