all times are historic. there isn't a decade that didn't matter, that didn't have "unprecedented" times and challenges. to live is to be history
it might be time for us to send them a redesign that actually makes sense lol
the correct term is "COVIDATED". this year has been absolutely covidated lol
that's why you take both and make your Saurus 3+/2+ lol
as long as they don't make them subservient to Nagash…. hell they could even do a two faction box with the (:vomit:) eels
fair enough I hadn't thought of that. then rules as written yes this would work
I hope... but I have a sinking suspicion they will just abandon it.
If ever you come across a discrepancy like this there WONT be a FAQ if the book is right. order of precedence, and always by most recent release...
I don't think there was ever any thought put into that, as for as far as I can tell there is absolutely no reason to perform the actions required...
I disagree. 1/3 more shots, and most people couldn't get more than 1 unit in range at the same time anyway with the old ark, so numbering targets...
Cheers for the Advice guys :) for now I'll have to pass on the Basildon as I simply dont have one and until I know my job is secure I cant really...
there are people that sell them cheap on amazon and ebay.
I cant link it because im at work, but on the Warhammer community page is a FAQ specifically for each units tournament mandated base size.
"So I've been reading through the Seraphon book and such and think i am getting to grips with how this all works. I have made a 2000 points list,...
Sallies are still decent, despite the cost increase. While bastilodons are actually very good, they are better in coalesced, especially in a...
I vote this.
I apologize I don't know what RTT is and thought you meant TTS, what is RTT? *edit* part of my confusion was you originally said rtts and I...
yeah we have had that conversation lol. you are free (and I encourage it) to disagree, but I will not accept simulation results as accurate...