i find them very confusing in CC, the rider en the terradon have both diferend WS and also the Str. Maybe i`m doing it wrong but you need to rol...
How is it that you can take an magic banner with your saurus unit? is it worth to take an full command with the skrox unit, i would think an...
Slann (life) Rumination, Cogitation, All Spells, ld banner +1 LD bsb, Cupped hands Skink priest lvl 1 scroll scar vet light arm. burning blade...
No named or special characters, We find them broken even if they cost a lot of points they are insane and ruin the game. But that`s my opinion and...
thanx, for that much needed info
I have been using the BsB on my Slann with the Temple Guard, now people are saying i can`t use the LD of the Slann when testing for LD. Because...
At 2500 you need an lord choise, slann or saurus. otherwise you will to weak to do anything. You can play, but will lose most of the time....
i like the list, but i would change the size of the skinks to 10 drop 1 salamander and get some cham. skinks or terradons, dwarfs alway`s use War...
I would like to run the skrox unit but i`m not sure what is good, small or big units. Small like 11 skinks with 1 krox, or big with 2 or 3...
Hi, well, first off i don`t think spears are worth it you get only 1 attack from suporting attack. You get an extra rank that fights but they also...
i could be wrong but in the 8th you can only have 1 dispel scroll