Your math is a bit off here. First it takes two skinks to man (...lizardman?) the blowpipes, so that leaves you just 3 javelins or in this case...
I always thought that go for two stegadons of none at all. But now that I have put some thought to it I think you are better with one or none....
I'd say there's four options that could be useful when dealing with these kinds of monsters. 1. Skinks, with plenty of poison even the biggest...
Ah yeah, you're right on this one. With heavy armour you can get the save all the way down to 1+ without mount. So my mistake, sorry. :) BR Agrem
Now, this would be problematic also since you can only swap a unit with same troop type. So no 1+ asv old-blood's.... BR Agrem
Sorry to shoot you down here so to speak. But I don't think GW has actually thought about whether something would be more common or rare than...
For this I would say that If you randomize the first to kroxigor it's pretty clear by the FAQ. If it was a skink then it depends on your unit...
I'd say as long as most of your unit contains the models they are supposed to be it is fine. I think it actually make the unit look even better if...
No, you are right here. :) The build was just an example that I find suiting my army pretty good since I already have another scar-veteran on cold...
Valid point. You could always change the charmed shield to dragonhelm to have the same effect if you want 1+ asv and keep the GW. Actually as...
I honestly got to say that I don't see your point in the skink cohort unit. 15 skinks just isn't going to kill anyone with WS2 and S3. Also with...
Actually the rule states that "...they must still deploy 10" or more..." So by RAW the army book doesn't trump anything and by the rules in BRB...
Ah, I might have done that or misread it of something. Thanks for correcting. BR Agrem
I think strewart nailed all the other questions so I'll answer this one then. I actually just recently found these myself and find them much...
Actually I think this was the case in the old Lizardmen army book. Which means 6th ed. and early 7th. I think the rule went something like they...
This one is actually pretty clear since the Rat FAQ clearly states that you can't target a unit which has infantry and non-infantry units in them....
I think this comes to down to the fact that stomps are distributed as shooting which means that the kroxigors could be hit by this. But since...
Hello, and thanks everyone for the compliments. I am actually quite pleased how the cold-one filler turned out. I'll be adding a shield to him...
Hello, I have mentioned few times that I would be posting some pictures of my army here. Well the time has finally come. Unfortunately I don't...
It would help a lot to see some pictures of saurus themselves. That way it would be easier to suggest something in the same theme. But I agree...