Also is it safe to say we may be the new ossiarch bonereapers combining all this with alliegence abilities :p
yes 1 every 4 models is a razordon but 6d6 attacks is still rly good without buffs
Well I prefer to try table the opponent more fun!!
razordons also, sit them on objectives and have great shooting, melee, extra rend if things get close, shooting if things charge, and even...
For the first time skinks with clubs and shields is a very viable option.
Excuse me skinks are very much not dead you can have 80 attacks with clubs 4+ 4+ on an average of 20 wounds. Use the skinks starpriests ability on...
Guys lets not jump to conclusions. Remember this is the teasers not the real thing. We still have a lot for new warscrolls and other stuff coming up
If rumours are true we may be worse than we started but I highly doubt it
@Austin there is a big conversation about all the new seraphon rule discussions at the new rumour thread.
can u send a link @Acehilator
Don't lose hope if we lose wary fighters Im sure we will become stronger in hitting power. Stegadons should also get a monstrous charge ability...
Also welcome to Lustria @MysticAmphibian :p
I made a minor mistake it's 35" by 25" but it's still a bit small
I don't have a table to play on with that size
Where do I get a table like that then?
that's my point :) movement is no problem and ripperdactyls move half way across the board in a single normal move
Is any1 entering Aos grand tournament this year with new battletome?
Yeh I can seewhere you r coming from. You c I play 1000 point games at my Warhammer club and GW store with a 30" by 15" table so movement isn't...
Is it rly that good?
yeh but its like a guaranteed 5" run, Not amazing. I don't see how it is better than bonuses to charges.