well I mean I finish school this year technically yeh im a younger one
The other models r just temporarily out of stock but the battletome is "no longer available online" signifying the battletome has stopped being...
@cuteskink why dont u magnetize the weapons and shield and gauntlet so you can use it as both depending on the game u need it in.
What I find annoying is when u play in a tournament and well get destroyed by some cheese strategy that hasn't been fixed yet. Slaanesh was up...
Also female trexes often had 2 parters which would fight for mating rights with her and well fight to the death. The male who wins eats the other...
I know how dinosaurs do the dirty an no not carefully for a trex the male grips onto a female by biting onto their back for the entire thing. Also...
I already know everything there is about dinosaurs any questions? ask me! ;)
guys I was thinking of buying a command barge from 40k necrons and cutting off the guns, filling the gaps in with greenstuff and putting my slann...
guys I was thinking of buying a command barge from 40k necrons and cutting off the guns and filling the gaps in with greenstuff. Any1 think that...
Also this was the source who did tell me the seraphon update is coming in the end of feb or start of march which I created a thread about called...
sry I dont know y I said he works at Warhammer community he does definitely work on models. You don't have to believe me if you don't want 2....
if you guys didn't know gw have different teams working on different models. Sometimes for big updates there are 2 or more teams working on the...
but unfortunately he wasn't working on seraphon at the time so he doesn't know what is coming out apart from the book and scenery
I mean he was right about everything hes told me so far so we'll see
I can't tell u his name but he's a friend's friend who works at Warhammer community.
If my source is right our previews come in next sunday or the sunday after no later than that.
For the first time in 5 years lets be positive; 2 hours till a possible announcement
If we don't get endless spells than gw has some serious problems. We are basically the most magical faction (alongside tzeentch) and if anything...
just a quick question, is the terrain in front of the ziggurat also new terrain it looks like it 2 me
gw also mentions seraphon are changing into "the Coalesced" any1 know what that means its on Warhammer community