I should clarify. Zombie pirates are a 6th edition project. Though I do have an idea for a Lustrian scenario where warbands have to fight or slip...
Made up 30 zombie pirates in total, 10 zombie pirate gunners as well and 7 henchmen and 2 heros for a mordheim warband.
Went with Malal as his portfolio is the closest to some of the aspects of Chaos Undivided that interest me most.
The str 4 Cold One knights dates from either the 6th edition revision for Dark Elves or 7th edition, along with their ld boost to 9, in order to...
I suppose one could say that. I have taken some spare Ghost Archipelago crewmen and I'm working on some crew for a Mordheim pirate band.
Took the day off work due to bad weather and an old injury. Kit bashing some zombie pirate gunners.
Kitbashed more zombie pirates for a total of 18 so far.
I was sure it was going to be a DOK release.
Some of my zombie pirate kitbashes. I used Ghost Archipelago crew and zombie bits. The proportions are slightly off but I think they will work in...
I imagine one painted green was sculpted to represent either an undead or Nurgle mage transformed into a frog, cause the other one, based on it's...
Bought some oop minis off ebay recently. Also bought 6th edition Dark Elf and Vampire Counts armybooks to add to my collection.
looks like he's got his arms outstretched for a hug
Isn't a Seaguard army one of the High Elf AOI? Might be related to that?
My stance is that it's going to be Cathay, given the fact they get a description in the rulebook. I don't think any of the legacy armies are going...
So I bought the old collector's guides for lizardmen and chaos to add to my collection of 6th edition related books and resources.
I think those are all 3d printed minis in the style of the 4th/5th big hats
Angron, you missed Angron.
That was for Horus Heresy I believe.
After rereading the lore in the Lustria Warhammer Roleplay book, I noticed a bit about semi-feral Lizardmen located in not just the Dragon Isles...