An AOS saurus warrior I painted up as a gift for a friend at my job. Pretty interesting article on the evolution of the Saurus...
In my case 2014 and 2015 were personally very bad years for me, the End Times BS and AOS's rise felt like salt in the wound.
First glimpse of this, I thought it was an AOS mini.
I've been painting some some extra AOS saurus from my recent BsB project as gifts for some work friends.
Hmm, what project would I do if GW allowed? Pull an End Times for AOS, just to satisfy my spiteful side.
I always figured to eventually try to get the 5th edition one for nostalgia purposes.
So while I don't own a war altar, I do have the Empire General plastic kits, the 2 in 1 from 7th with the horse mounted and on foot options and...
The plastic war altar is actually one of the few Empire kits I never had much interest in. So I can't help there.
I actually like the mini. My only issue is the tactical rocks. Makes it very annoying to base her on 25 mm for use in 8th and 6th edition games.
Ah, in that case a solo character build I think would be a counter would be something akin to the unkillable Tzeentch WOC lords or the Nurgle...
I don't think characters alone would be the counter to a tarpit. I would include them as part of the counter but not the sole counter. I would...
Worked on assembling a new BsB Scar Vet using some of the new saurus warriors. Also assembled and converted some extras as gifts for some work...
I don't really prefer one over the other. I have both and the 8th edition version is what I use for an Oldblood on Carno while the 6th edition...
I'm fond of the Carnosaur, both 6th and 8th edition.
good points there.
I'm still going to give TOW a try but I refuse to rebase any models, so I can continue to play 8th and 6th edition. Hell, I've been stocking up on...
The chameleon skinks were included for narrative purposes. I imagine they were the patrol that first detected the opposing army. The scouting...
My friend and I have agreed to not go magic heavy, with wizards limited to lvl 2. I decided on the cloak of feathers as I was thinking the...
Krox the Irritable Saurus Oldblood, shield, Blade of Revered Tzunki, Tal of Protection, Carnosaur Itzl, Star Priest of Hexoatl Skink Priest, Lvl...