Yes I have read Temple of the Serpent. The chapters from Grey Seer Thanquol's POV are pretty amusing. And C.L. Werner is a pretty good author. Of...
I bought the Adventures of Florin and Lorenzo omnibus a couple months back, of which Burning Shore is the first novel. Just like the first time I... So the Bronze winning entry for...
I also bought a copy of the 5th edition "Realm Of Chaos" book for further nostalgia.
Bought the 5th edition Lizardmen army book for nostalgia.
2000 pts total, Wolves of the Sea, based around the idea that it's an army defending Skeggi. This is my first go at writing a list for TOW, and I...
Had a box Avatars of War Dwarf Seekers delivered today. I've been planning a Dwarf Royal Clan army led by Ungrim Ironfist for TOW. Also bought...
I'm really not fond of the new take on slayers.
Given the snake vibe, it could likely be for DoK too.
Bought copies of Warhammer Chronicles/Annuals 2003 and 2004 to expand my WFB 6th edition collection
Peanut butter cup, Chocolate peanut butter and Strawberry. The flavor combination of chocolate and peanut butter is one of my favorites, sweets...
Had some Savage orcs come in the mail. Going to add a 24-25 strong unit to my greenskins.
That Stormcast Lord Vigiland looks like conversion fodder for either a Grand Master on Demigryph or Theodore Bruckner.
new Saurus for Underworlds or one of those other games maybe?
In Warhammer Fantasy, Empire tended to be either the focal point of a lot of lore or at the very least, have a strong presence. Which kind of...
You're not missing anything. Special characters are represented in the Arcane Journals for each army. Since Lizardmen are a legacy faction, they...
I see the new gaunts have a much more dinosaurian form. I had to do a double take cause I thought it was a dinosaur mini at first glance.
Awesome collection! Very much like my own collection, except I have Monstrous Arcanum and Blood In The Badlands as well. Only one I'm missing is...