The GW that used to be in Glen Burnie, Maryland would have a monthly auction where they would auction off miscasts, packages damaged in...
Hmm, reminds me of the little drawings in the margins of the Mordheim rulebook. I might try and get these as bits to spruce up the Mordheim...
I kinda like that palanquin/altar thing. Might be a good basis for a Grail reliquae
Something powerful enough to turn Slaanesh straight edge
As my brother once said "Warhammer settings, where everyone decorates with bones and almost everyone indulges in some light cannibalism."
I really don't know how to feel about those Cities of Sigmar troops. It's like they're trying to do at least 2 different things with their design...
In my neck of Maryland there is only me,my brother which is a bit of a stretch to say and one friend still actively playing as of 2023. Anything...
I think I already said in a different thread that I plan on giving The Old World a try, at the very least I will be picking up the rulebook/rules...
Somewhat ironically, I was mainly painting what will be a birthday gift for a friend whose birthday is today. I also started painting my Troglodon.
Today is my birthday and I have decided I shall spend it painting miniatures.
So much of that lot is straight from when I started playing Warhammer. I remember eyeballing all those boxed sets after school back in middle school.
I kinda like the basic infantry and the general/character minis, but only cause I can see some potential for a Mordheim warband in them.
I still have the White Dwarf issues where they explain the design choices for Ogre Kingdoms and the desire to make Warhammer Ogres somewhat...
I seem to have lucked out and found a copy of the actual 8th edition list. Nothing smacks of 9th age or any other 9th edition fan lists.
My new converted Oldblood. I still need to add static grass but beyond that he's done. I had assembled the model before thinking of an idea to...
Finally got the will to finish painting my latest Oldblood. Converted it to represent him wielding the Fencer's Blades and painted him in a...
I honestly intended to but I don't know why I didn't.