We know the High-ish aElves are gonna be the big AoS reveal at the LVO preview tonight, but I really hope we get something for Seraphon, even if...
Let's not forget, these rumor's can also be for Warcry and/or Underworlds too. So it could be something aelfy, but for an aelf warband released...
The WHFB boxes in the image you attached contain the same sprues as the Warriors & Knights from the start collecting box. Only differences are...
Hi Woogity! Let me just say you're sculpts are phenomenal! If you are still taking orders, my email is obed.pacheco@gmail.com and I would like to...
I definitely like your Gor-Rok Model. I want to make one too. The only problem is I want to try and make him from scratch. It would be my first...
Re: A Lizardmen Ruin (WIP) this is a really cool looking ruin so far. and if i had one like this i'd still say it was a spawning pool. im...
i will agree with the previous comment on the book...however, it definitely sets the model apart as a priest. what bit is that book from anyway?...
i will say...the spines on the saurus look pretty cool...do you think they'd work for lizzies?
Re: Legion of Abraxas - IMG Heavy (update w/Carnosaur +more) dude, your converted hero is awesome! :jawdrop: i can't wait to see the finished...
hm, just wondering cause someone just mentioned a wash, was it just a wash on top of the original green from the first pics? or did you...
Re: Xlanhuapec Lizardmen Army Log (New Pictures Pg. 2) I really like your color scheme. Im new to the forum and have looked at several armies...