Has anybody got or seen any decent proxys for agredon / cold one riders? There are loads of cool dinos that would work as agradon mounts but no...
I have a full 3D model of that model. im sure i can help you out with a part. Shoot me a DM and when i get a chance.
Is that a Solar Cannon?!?
Been playing about with this mini as a proxi for Agradons, the standard stl scale prints to the same size as a cold one, i think 135% size...
OPR have released a pretty sick looking slann in the latest patreon release https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg9uq_oNyyG/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
If your getting a printer for minis you'll want a resin (sla) printer. The FDM one just wont give the level of detail for minis. The downside of...
Hey All, I've been working on making my own AoS Tokens for my Seraphon army, as well as a Combat gauge which im hoping to cut out on a laser...
I'm also with everyone else. If you plan on playing games with them having the models on smaller bases will give you an advantage especially with...
If your boxing models up with foam pick up some pick n pull foam inserts, get a few thinner ones and you can basically create a custom insert for...
Yes, you can have multiple single (let's say slann) but only one of each unique (kroakk for example)
After looking at the old FaQ as well, that also said ' SKINK PRIEST: An Engine of the Gods is commanded by a Skink Priest' So unless the EotG...
Ahhh cool, didn't realise the big book was leaked. Cheers :)
So we will have to wait for the big book / the GHB for official plans/packs? That's what my thought was.
Unless i'm blind or the version i downloaded from Community is missing extra pages i cant see any battle plans / packs in there? it explains what...
Do you have a link or a direction to look to see these? I've been away from home for a few days so havent been able to watch / listen to any AV...
I guess we will have to wait and see what the battlepack options are. Not having 'official' points and the GHB is leaving some guess work and...
So i've just been raeding the rules, unless i've misunderstood it, as long as the battlepack (which is the mission your looking to play?) allows...
You can fairly easily Kitbash a sunblood using the free onepagerules temple guard model and one of the modular weapons from the Artisans guild...
I think the main thing about there being no author info is it was shared in one or two groups and someone has taken it out of those sources and...
Agreed, I doubt this has been given the green light by him. If you want I can message him on the discord as I'm not sure how often he frequents here.