"Most powerful" is open to interpretation. The Thunder Lizard is basically a kaiju monster or a living natural disaster. In terms of raw...
I have had similar experiences where my pre-existing romantic notions got replaced by cynicism after exposure to reality. I have pondered how...
I made the meme, but I took the quote verbatim from "Call Me Chato". These things are not hard to spot. For instance, the female protagonists of...
I am extending the deadline two weeks to the end of August 14, beginning of August 15th. At the very least, this will let me complete a...
Because we are on page 666 of this thread, I thought I'd post something evil, the Acolyte. [IMG]
[IMG] You'd think Sauron's fortress would look like this if he wanted to compensate for something he lacked. [IMG] To be fair, cravings for...
And which one of the three is only one who Q didn't implicitly or explicitly try to romance?
[IMG] [IMG] [IMG] After the cat shreds your furniture. But I feed you! and this gives you power over me?
I don't have a single submission yet. I can extend the deadline if that helps.
And it's short and easy to understand. Dwarves play a pretty small role in the Silmarillion :D
I blame whomever trained her, whomever rubber stamped her as being properly trained, and whomever assigned her to the rally in the first place.
As of the writing of this post, I have completed 25 prompts for Summer Camp 2024. I've had fun writing Scaraquan entries especially. Here is the...
Gavin Newsom is a monster! [MEDIA]
I actually want the Acolyte to get a season 2. I think it's pretty when money burns. [MEDIA]
I like Garbage in small doses. I never heard of Elliot Smith, so I looked him up on Youtube. That is one emo cat and I'm totally okay with that....
So I wasn't going to watch this anyway, because I think Disney CGI animals are a little too far in the uncanny valley for me, but this video...
An oldy but a goody [IMG] But I think I can one update this for 2024. [IMG] Maybe a little wordy, there are a lot of options, but this seemed...