I am stubbornly refusing to pay to watch Disney+ and I am refusing to pirate it. If I ever break my Disney fast I will be sure to give X-men 97 a...
I found a writer for my dream Star Trek team.
DON'T GO TO SLEEP [IMG] Then they started singing.
oh, it works....
As long as they also serve Second Breakfast there...
Every time I post something where Kathleen Kennedy is embarrassed or upset you always say something along the lines "NOT ENOUGH!" There is at...
mild satisfaction does not tears of joy make.
I see the outcomes of this as being mostly positive. In order of least likely to most likely. -Maybe it's possible that the lost money and low...
Harry Potter is the exception that proves the rule. Or it's the steel that was tempered by fire. All the people trying to cancel JK Rowling has...
[IMG] I got to go full INTP on the bear thing. Statistically speaking, I am more likely to be harmed by a man than a bear. But I encounter...
His grandchild runs Cabbage Corp, making him one of the richest people in Republic City. True Cabbage Corp is not as rich and powerful as Sato...
Even a genie's power won't let you catch the red dot and eat it.
Anyone who says they fear a random man in the wood more than a random bear. 1) Lying for internet clout/being a troll 2) Is a true misandrist...
I once had strawberry ice cream with strawberry sauce in a small town called Strawberry Point.
I was going to put my head in the sand because I smelled some wokeness on Bruce Timm's new Batman project. And I like Bruce Timm. It's still...
I work in a grocery store. I was concerned that food prices were not increasing fast enough between general inflation, rising fuel prices...