[ATTACH] I disagree, to me I see 100% russian influence. The big hats, the red colour, the black beards, swarth appearance. The mines worked...
oh dear. Looking at those forge world models. They look horrible! There not Chaos Dwarfs! They need to go backwards, they took a wrong turn.
Guy's, do you ever think that Chaos Dwarfs will ever make a come back in AoS? They are my favourite faction of all time. Love the Slavic...
Yes I saw the wraith mongers, they look nice. But in real money they are expensive, for 5 men's. The model I would think about adding, would be...
Yes I was very disappointed when Slanneesh received no mortal followers. They only needed to make a couple of units and it would have been a lot...
Brilliant thanks for help so far. My Khorne army so far looks like this. 13 blood warriors (will add 2 more eventually to make 15). 24...
alright lets take a look at that The lord executioners are a 80 point model that dose between 0-6 damage with a 28% chance of doing nothing....
To be fair I did play badly. I charged the Chainrasp and Grimghast reapers ahead with the Ethereal steed. They made it to the Balistas, but they...
Might try playing them as legions of Nagash. Adding a vampire lord on zombie dragon. Also ally in some ghouls and crypt horrors.
Lol as expected Feast Of Bones sold out in a couple of hours! Nice! Also I notice now, all the slaves to darkness godsworn warbands have sold...
Played 1300 points of Night Haunt vs 1300 points of Stormcast today. On a small table. The Stormcast annihilate the entire Nighthaunt army, the...
Army harmonisation is the future of table top gaming. Even if no one know's it yet. You bring up some valid points. What we really need, is a...
Wow, something just hit me! Remember when AoS was released? none of the units had points values! This means that they didn't build the game...
Yes, in that case the game is really just about choosing the most efficient units. This then means everybody ends up using the same lists, and...
Yes I am speculating based on my knowledge of building complex systems. To me it makes sense. They are working with some complexity, and they are...
I would guess skinks are good because movement + low cost. So they have more fast moving wounds, and lots of models. Where as a Dragon would be...
Yes I have seen the Battle plans in the core rule book. But I have not read GHB. Battle Plans could be factored in either the game or the table...
Now I think about it, when designing a complex game like AoS. Whats important is not really the points value of the movement compared to the...
So I would say, from what I learned from doing this is. If you can establish very accuratel Yes your right. What I should have done, was ring...
Yes agree with every point. Obvioulsy its impossible for the commercial reasons you say. Do I think the Army Harmoniser would work and make games...