1) Players input what models they want to use to play the game with. If you have 1 person with 2000 points of Fire Slayers, and another person...
Yea there are a few units like you say. But what about 230 points fiends? Its easy for someone to say, these look basically the same as the...
The machine learning part... First of all it doesn't work like the way you think it does. You think the Ai is going to write the application....
Guy's don't the worry! I have hardcore experience of building an online game system, that was based on warhammer before. I have fought these...
Class WarScroll; Class Buff; Class Spell; Well, its pretty easy to do. You model the war scroll card, and then model all the spells. You then...
The machine learning part, is to analyse the collected dated and tweak subtly the selected parameters. Not set the parameters. I mean Totalwar...
Non-sense! using Domain Driven Design we can model anything in software. Class Stormcast(effects Effects) { private $weaponSkill; private...
GW has always made this mistake before. And they are even in the process of doing it to warcry as well. They get the original game right, then...
Fair point. To be honest, the whole reason I play AoS is to get away from video games and technology in general. The only thing I use like that...
You want to start painting sooner rather then later. Also it doesn't really work that you can practise on different types of minitures then move...
I had this idea for a software solution for AoS and 40K's terrible balancing issues. Basically, it's a website. What happens is you feed in your...
And also, I don't think battle tomes that combine rules and lore, are an efficient way of doing things. After all, when I buy box of miniatures...
This is true. I think why AoS was so successful at the beginning was because its rules were simplified. 40k 8th edition was really popular and...
That post wasn't directed at you. You didn't resort to underhand tactics, for which I salute you. Fair point. I don't know much about Magic the...
That's false. I said the lore would be changed and dumb'd down. I never mentioned the rules. Don't attack me with falsely created strawman....
What's happening with AoS now is what happened with all the previous versions of 40k and WHFB. They got more and more complex and became less and...
No it would be more fun. Because more people would be interested in it and want to play the game. I say that it's you who is selfish, because you...
I like the model's and most of the lore. I would like the game to be good so I have something to do with my models. The more I play the game now...
Well I pick less then optimal lists for the armies I play (my opponent uses my Seraphon Army). Rules should be modular. Game design should be...
I think the thing about Blood Bowl is that its easy to understand the core rules of the game. Move, pass, catch. Then the unit cards had the...