"Hurry-hurry up!" Snout-Fast-Liar The Gutter Runner pack leader, urged his troop to keep up the pace, as they navigated the cramped, pitch black...
Oh yea good point. I didn't think of that. Well I hope its an Empire box like people are saying it could be. My worst case is a Dwarf and Dark...
I can't wait for the Christmas box set reveals. But I am also braced for disappointment. I really wanted to get Loon Curse, Carrion Empire and...
Claus Dukemhausen sat in the stage coach thumbing the gold ingot with strange exotic looking symbols etched into it. He felt the coach gently...
Good luck everybody! I hope you all win!
"You and your children's lives Alfred, were not even worth one good fuck with the sexy town mayor." Alfred heard the Daemons voice inside his...
The two rocketeers hurtled along the service tunnel at warp-stone rocket speed! "WHOOOOOOO, WHOOOOOO SQUEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKK" Skit screamed, the...
I think the problem is they have to update all of the models and not just the Saurus. If they introduce new Saurus they have to update the Cold...
Xavi motioned the air recovery team downwards. To Sue and the companions relief, they were finally returning to the solid ground again. The...
"Choo Choo, we find you!" Xavi said touching down heavily on the farm field. "Xaviodollas, need go now, vital information for Luhumi." Choo Choo...
"Great! we here now Sue, Choo Choo!" Walter said happily. The stage wagon pulled up at the side of the road, next to a picturesque cottage....
Will you set fire to Canosaur? [MEDIA]
Hey what would happen if the new Seraphon book comes out and it sucks even worst then it does now, like what happened to Sylvenetth?
My bad yes the Star Priest is good with the Venom staff. My gripe is Seraphon have nothing that kills anything anywhere in the whole army. Its...
Was really disappointed with the Skink Star Seer, I thought all the Skink Priests were pretty crap as well. Yes they are cheap, but they still...
Look which ever way you slice the pie. Lets pretend this is a metaphorical pie of lies about Seraphons. The first slice of the pie would be...
Nobody is drawn to collecting Seraphon so they can play a horde of Skinks! When I showed the person I am collecting for to choose the next...
Agreed! Seraphon doesn't excel at anything. The warscrolls are so dull. But I think the Cities of Sigmar has probably just broken the game....
Peter the Sinful finished up on the last of the Plague Bearers. His big claws snapping on the monsters cycloptian eye. Stuff poured out where the...
Just god my Blades Of Khorne army today. So this is the first army that I have chosen, that I really "wanted". I got Stormcast and Nighthaunt...