Alfred, Mike and Kirkah bobbed along in the strange sky for what seemed like an hour or so, but could have been forever in the weird time vacuum...
[ATTACH] Put him on his base now. Ready to use his serpent cane to summon the rains of $$$.
2 horde armies! Skaven AND Gloomspite Gitz! I won't lie, I love both of those armies. I use to collect Skaven in WHFB days. A very long time ago....
[ATTACH] Oh wow, he turn out hot as ass cheeks! Check it out, my Rain Doctor with pimp cane. You can own this one off miniature for $40 +...
My conclusion is that GW just wants to be awkward. For example.... They only stick with proven miniatures (Space Marines). They refuse to sell...
Of course I know GW can't make 100% of the community happy all the time. I just want them to make me happy! There is no guarantee we will see an...
1) Yes but Dwarf already have 2 armies in the game. Empire has none. There are now 3 Dwarf start collecting boxes. Empire has 0. 2) Maybe a...
I don't care if other people don't like the Empire. I like them. All they need to do is make a start collecting box that combines steam tanks,...
The model designer said he was based on inspiration from the TubeIt game. [ATTACH]
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Just got this new Rain Man model today, from my local store. Looking at stat card now, says that he has spell to make it...
Yes, agreed. Those two start collecting boxes look extremely boring. Dwarfs are akually my favourite faction ever in warhammer. CHAOS DWARFS!...
A large face appeared in front of the crammed Blight Kings. Out of it's mouth, multiple lashing whip like tongues, shot forth and struck at the...
Dwarf have factions all over the place now. There are lots of people who still love Empire though. Also its important to have humans in the...
Now your talking my language.
Disappointing with the 2 new start collecting boxes for Cities Of Sigmar. Another f*****g dwarf faction! The dark elf box looked ok. But why no...
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] Been working on my Scar Vetran and Cold One Champion. The hard thing is painting the Scar veteran white. Been washing him...
So end of summer big Seraphon release rumour turned out to be false. TBH, Seraphon might not get a new book this year. Whats coming next is Free...
Thinking about selling up on my miniture's and starting again. The reasons) 1. Not enough storage space. 2. Not portable. Its impractical for...
Mortals all the way. Was thinking about mixing them with some demons, but nah... Instead of buying a blood thirster I am gonna add 6 Mighty...
Dayum, I broke my own rule so quickly. Just bought a Blades Of Khone army. My plan is to keep it in a safe place for a while though. I am...