Glad for new lizards, but I wish it was more!
If Space Wolves refresh is just half as good as the new Gitmob wolves, I'll promise my firstborn son.
How much for a Warhammer Hill? :D
English is, indeed, a disaster, but GW says "Indices" so I'll go with them. Reading the Skaven Pack and Stormfiends have specific loadouts, maybe...
*Indices. They said everyone would get four formations, just previewing one per article. Exodites confirmed!
From reading in our Faction Pack and skimmnig the other Order factions I like: Age of Sigmar? more like Age of Streamlined. Not a bad or good...
AoS (Ark of Sotek) has been seriously buffed or is it just me? Or at least is no longer the skip it used to be.
I don't know, Kroak is more expensive now, but other God tier models are also way more expensive now, how many cheap damage is able to break...
Prices going up all over the place are, well, all over the place, not just us, Kraggy is 680 for example, and Kroak, while expensive it might...
If you are going to play Spearhead you can only build one way.
Someone uploaded the full assembly booklet for Skaventide and I just want to say that the highlights are the Clanrats. You can see that they all...
I wanted to hold on until we reached the very end, but we are pretty close to it and we got our faction so: I feel like this game still got...
Skinks don't have spines on their backs.
Not only that! [IMG] AND 10 people will win a Skaventide box! To enter, it’s as simple as signing up to the Warhammer newsletter before the 30th...
SKAVEN! Clawlord on Gnaw-beast [IMG] Grey Seer [IMG] Ratling Warpblaster [IMG] Rat Ogres [IMG] 40 Clanrats [IMG]
STORMCASTS! Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker [IMG] Lord-Veritant [IMG] Lord-Terminos [IMG] Knight-Questor[IMG]
Last time objective control gameplay was done right was, imo, back in Dawn of War 1. MAGIC! A WIZARD has a power level that determines the...
Clanrat versus Chrace Lion Cub
To be expected that weapons specialize now. I also expect that Warxigors now get Anti-Monsters, for example, to differentiate them from regular...