Tbh, I don't remember them atm, but both (two) of them are One Drop and had one extra bonus that was not extra artifact. the first one needed at...
Thunderquake? Like the old warscroll battalion? We can already see what is going to include. Wondering what will Primeval Domain replacement will...
Next month, in WD 469, we are going to get our Tome Celestial! (among other stuff). This replaces Primeval Domain allegiance ability, adds a new...
[MEDIA] THOSE ARE NOT MINOTAURS! THOSE ARE KHORNGORS!!!!!!!! [IMG] – 6x Bloodborn Marauder Linemen. – 4x Bloodseekers. – 2x Khorngor. Give me...
Anyone has tried to the BETA App yet? alongside that, it would be nice to consider the state of the first to 3rd Edition Battletome to ours: they...
Ah, I see you are a lizard of culture as well. Sadly, you can not field in matched games all the Stegadons in the world because pitiful things...
Magnetize your Stegadon. [MEDIA] Plan on getting additional Stegas.
There you have the videos; the trailer and the interview: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] Reminder that Total Warhammer III got delayed until early 2022. Some...
No. Already I responded to you, didn't noticed?
Democratic president? or self imposed? Not really. Back in 1E, yes, because plenty-a-factions were just reboxed kits substracted from their...
Why not?
Which is still a substantial number. Also, they CONFIRMED that Chaos is next.
Because those are still seven factions, three of them on need of an update with something new alongside updated rules.
Yet we have StD, the other three Gods, and to a lesser extend, Skaven and Beastmen as possible candidate to get the first Chaos Battletome of this...
There is supposedly a Chaos Battletome on its way after the ones for Stormcasts and Orrukz, but I haven't see any Chaotic thing yet indicating any...