1 it really isn't worthwhile to not run the slann with saurus guard. 10 wounds is 10 wounds. 2. 2x2 is for positioning as theyare fantastic...
Radukar does some serious work too tbh he's kind of a beast
Gork and Mork are scratching their heads as well
Question since my arcane glyphs doesn't have the ward keyword does that mean it's just a shrug?
Gw trying to make things intentionally difficult for their players?
Forgot slanns can cast 3 spells so I just decided to add Tempest to Spell list for em because Mortal wounds are needed as well
Erta and wizardlizard released their new vid on YouTube and discussed this. Bodyguard saves do not get ward saves I guess
Get another 5 saurus guard or get yaself some more skinks or maybe a skink priest
4 total games played so far. tabled archaon/tzeench turn 4 (1-0) got wiped out by an archer heavy LL turn 5 (fuck unleash hell) (1-1) lost by...
curse is too finicky imho being able to heal himself is probably the idea hes going for.
So far this is a fun beat em up army that I can swap out spells like Apotheosis for tempest
With the unnecessary nerfing of my unit I will only be running one from now on. On the bright side I opened up 545 points of enjoyable aztek...
I think for trog it's for kroak and slanns. old boy on big t rex is for us to use scarvet more I guess
Hard nerf. Removal of roar of ruin and a point increase. Pseudo buff/Qol. Later bracketing
I'm so incredibly bitter about these unreasonable nerfs. sure you can take away my Totem shit whatever. But why kick me while I'm down with the...
I mean... wow... I guess bracketing later is nice in all... but why get rid of roar of ruin?. An extra 35 pts for later bracketing and a loss of a...
(Me who has never really had a game go past 4 turns) I mean sure? Point totals are important yes. But if you table someone turn 3 or 4 you kinda...
That or a hero that has absurdly good saves like the basti. Hell even out knights would do with just a squad of 5. As long as it holds him for one...
Personal opinion. Archaon is overrated. The rest of his army gets obliterated by while he gets tied up with garbage squads that arnt even worth...
im bad at recalling except general area guessing but doesnt archaon do less damage on average than gotrek?