Idk about you but SoB is the most enjoyable kaiju battles you could ever ask for. They wanna throw 3 megagargants at me? I'll throw 3 dreads and a...
Skinks are faster than gotrek our knights are faster than gotrek I sure as hell am faster than gotrek. I genuinely see gotrek more than any other...
I thought you can only get an upwards of +1 to whatever.
Same^^^^ I gotta see that madness
In case yall didn't watch that new episode of the podcast with erta and Lizard wizard they have a legit way of handling gods. Ignore em. And stop...
This is incredibly finicky but will be frustrating if it spikes
Pinning usually does a great job at keeping the suarian in place for the glue to cure. As for glue I go with quick curing superglue if I don't...
ive been apart of this forum for almost 2 years and i didnt know there was a discord....hisssss
I would like a howdah and a feel no pain
What do you think now lads?
What irks me about the trog in game is that the developers nerfed the carnosaur and still made the carnosaur a higher tier dino than the trog but... So the new...
its a hit yes. but i think were fine with dealing with most of the heroes in the game
D: its beautiful
how much is that slice of gold again?
I see you. I don't see the need of eotg but hey I like where ya heads at
They can't really even make their points back barring incredible rolls. Drop their points by like 60 and it'll literally entice people to use them...
That trog looks bonkers not gonna lie
Would the Shackles keep archaon tied down? Or am I thinking of something else entirely?