[ATTACH]temp outta stock lads it's okay dimacchaerons have this happen all the time
Ahh fuck you're correct. Then I guess it really is only useful for dread saurians who like to charge turn 1
Yes it is always worth trying. The Alpha beast is fun for monster heavy lists in TL. But it tends to work better for our carnos than our bastis...
I have a custom transport that I paid $100 to be made. Kroak just fits on the top shelf of it
Order it anyway you'll get it. They have an abundance
[ATTACH]yesterday's rumor engine lads
Ahh so it's not an option then. Shame but hey more room for carnosaurs
Issue with that. You CAN take them as a battleline. But you CAN run then as behemoths if you want. But more or less you run stegadons in tl for...
Ghur CA is the best CA this edition
ok im admitting defeat. what? help me get this because im confused, i do not find warriors to be any bit durable at all to be considered an anvil
oh fuck i forgot the terrorgheists. i never found stonehorns to be all that durable. but then again im a fucking oddball compared to most people...
oh absolutely imho the most durable behemoth is vorgorath and skalok or archaon on his stupid daemon thing. then IF we had scaly skin for the...
couldnt agree more honestly. it is really sad that scaly skin doesnt reduce MWs but at the same time i think that would be absurd on seraphon...
you are mistaken friend
It was faq'd like a few months after the battletomb release about the 1+ you ignore the first rend so basically a rend 2 becomes rend 1 for it....
it was addressed in the first faq after the seraphon battletome was released a year ago. i had a very unruly argument with someone about it since...
The Alpha beast battalion one is literally what I run. It's fucking fantastic for my dreads
So if you summon Cogs with your slann that endless is bound to him so you don't need bind endless on it. Your second slann runs lifeswarm. Your...
How does that unit work out in crunch? My nephew wants to make an army of orruks and I'm trying to give him some ideas on it
They are Rendible if I'm correct