even more clarification keywords are keywords. your statement would also apply to the dread saurian's totem keyword so what? it cant buff itself?...
It's a great mini anyways and gets great use in my dnd campaign
Are you telling me what a huge investment is? Because while I get that 800 is a lot(and for kroaks warscroll thi do not believe it is worthwhile)...
Tell those troglodons that FAQ errata>rules
No it is a priest now. It can do priest spells
It's actually more because of the saurus guard for kroak
(The song we are the champions playing in the background) ahhhh it feels good to not have a point adjustment[ATTACH]
The oldblood though was one hell of a glass cannon. He's just letting his homie the scarvet have an edition to shine
Especially when it is mediocre to begin with with the pointcost before its unprecedented point increase
His will probably be banishment and ruination of cities
Die fuhrer is returning?
Blades of khorne That was something
There is rumor floating around mn that CSM are finally getting their wound to March up with space marines soon and something about mutilators...
That's not the point of my statement but I do understand your solution
No not your expectation 4/12 hitting. Reality was 9/12 hitting. 7 wounding 5 failed saves 10 damage.
It's really unenjoyable when I charge someone and they spend a cp and throw 12 shots into me hitting on 4s and wounding on 3s and now my carno is...
Just so they can complain about unleash hell because quite frankly it's a completely unnecessary command that is going to get more use than a lot...
exactly it can be fun to get steamrolled my buddy sam and i laughed comedically for about 5 minutes when my girlfriend double turn tabled my...
Thats...a lot of attacks to soak
Sigh. Damage issues. Accuracy issues yes that 3+ at best for jaws is a pain and rend -2 isn't what it should be. But I think on the charge vs...