With the ghur mage the Phoenix the slann and the skink priests we can literally just play a juggernaut style where we just muscle through things...
Oh this is a broken realms discussion my bad
That was mazdamundi. And the egg of quando hasn't been mentioned outside of that one description
Especially with that Phoenix CoS has
Wait till they put out blades of khorne and the only thing they say is. "You know what you're getting into here. Get your bloodthirsters and start...
Sadly will probably not happen due to how forgeworld and gw works in all (in terms of what they make and release.) And honestly I thoroughly enjoy...
Yes I have a place It is a niche pick that gets use in tournaments but doesn't do very well overall though. with points cost not faq at the moment...
I would of been like this "hey dude do you want to have a bunch of dudes with great axes who ride wingless dragons?" Then meet the fyreslayers...
Ok so here's the deal with the skinks. They're kinda there as obj holders while the big scaly boiz wreak havok
Which is a God damn shame if we're being honest
Dice gods are either merciful or malicious
What's on the up? Bastiladons!(horribly fake shocked faces) No shit gw it's one of our best units no one in their right mind would dispute that...
You are employed by wizards of the coast?
I got the og pewter zoanthrope and well it's base is metal now and it is welded to it
They're scared on how to do it with some characters getting mount traits along with their warscroll would be hard to balance
Well gordrakk for some reason that's absolutely invalid cost 600. Ima say they're probably gonna make me into 750 points.
well for starters taking heal on a priest is wonderful if you got behemoths
Hi everyone it's ya big mad lad Dread saurian here to Pitch a list if the title didn't say enough. So let's not mix words and get to the list This...
Yes the dread saurian is still legal it is still sold by forgeworld. Characters like tamurkhan are considered to be legends
Yeah something about bringing in something odd to supplement my godzilla seems fun