With all my figures in storage due to major building work at home, I am having to play Lizzies vicariously through YouTube, and found a channel...
I'm no tournie player, hell I don't even play on a regular basis but in my opinion, the glaring omission is skink skirmishers. In my opinion,...
I tried KoW a few weeks ago, against what would have been a WFB Wood Elf army (no idea what they were called in KoW - I was too busy trying to...
Wouldn't a salamander or two work here too, particularly against the non-black orc blocks? My local club doesnt have many OnG players, but against...
I put in a similar thread that Cannons in general need rules changes. Taking the Empire as an analogy to Renaissance Europe, cannons have to have...
Re Cannons - Fix the line of sight. Cannons like the ones in WH cannot shot through their own troops and they don't shot over them either. Cannons...
Theres also a Facebook Group called "THIS is Warhammer" (as typed). Not specifically Lizardmen, but it is specifically 8th Edition Warhammer.
Kind of makes me sad that there's only one person with any Saurus Warriors - A single unit of 36. I know their not competitive in their vanilla...
Well I'm a 40-something old fart. Was sat on the fence about AoS in the run up to it, ignoring rumours and waiting until it actually launched. I...
Love the idea of the theme. Have you modelled them with hoplon shields?
I have a question on the numbers of potential spells you have. Apart from Loremaster on High Magic (all 8? spells) you've got at least another 2...
Don't think anyone's mentioned railroading? I asked for some advice prior to playing a very experienced skaven player a few months ago and someone...
Hope I'm not spoling anything here, but I thought (and I don't have the army book to check) that if a non-slann BSB took a magic banner (Eternal...
@JamJar Yes thanks. Mind you cat wasn't too pleased with his reaction!:cat: :mad:
Dont you hate it when when your cat runs into the gaming room, leaps onto the table and because of overhang flips the board and your models go...
@Agrem - Thanks for the comment on the BSB and magic banner. Learn something new everyday! I always thought that the scarvet was limited to 50...
I can't say for certain as I don't have the army book handy, being at work, but I don't think the Scar Vet BSB can take the Skavenpelt Banner. I'm...
@NexS1 having played the game yesterday I can see your point of view! I know its meant to even things out, but just looked to me that with saurus...
I'm not going to the event (never done a WFB Tournie and not going to start with this one!) I had considered a list that got me to 9! No minuses,...