I have no idea if that Bret list is optimal but my club has a Bret (& lizardman!) player and his Brets list looks almost exactly the same of this...
Last night played a 3 way game of T&T - My lizardmen, OnG and more Lizardmen. I didn't make detailed notes, but some of the highlights were: -...
I strongly suspect that the HE list was sub-par, even though it contained White Lions, one Frostie and Swordmasters. He may have been restricted...
@Madrck - I've just posted my suggested army list, although its slightly different. No Skink chief - Would you mount him on terradon/ripper or on...
In a last minute change, I'm not playing OnG at 2500 anymore tonight, its 1500 T&T, with three players. One will be OnG, not sure of the other....
Thanks as always - Just been told that theres a change - It will be a 3 way T&T game (I've never played this before) with a 1500 pt limit. Back to...
I have a game tomorrow against a very experienced player. He stuffed me last time. I'm thinking about the following list: Lords Slann,...
Having taken a ton of advice when I first joined, hopefully I can pass on some of that: Oldblood - Looks like you've gone to a theoretical 0...
I haven't checked the probability link but not so sure. The OP said a level 2 priest, so only 8 needed. On average of 7 on two dice, 3 should do...
Deployment: I think deployment is a big factor. My oppo put the terrain out both times, and very fairly. But on each occassion theres been a hill...
NB All left / right comments are solely from the Lizardmen point of view. Having sent the squishy elves packing from the shores of Lustria last...
That sounded a great game. I've never played against WOC but will take some pointers from this.
@lordkingcrow thanks. Hope to get batrep written up later today (UK Time) and get posted. It was a great game. Went with Beasts instead of Heavens...
Thanks all - I did fear that even allowing for ASL we'd still get the $hitty end of the stick. Oh well. I've a re-match against High Elves...
I played 2400 vs HE last week, and have a re-match tonight. (My list was posted a couple of weeks ago I think - Similar title!)). Other than...
If, say, our saurus or TG are fighting a unit who have GW, what happens? HE/DE will have ASF, but GW is ASL. Who hits first? Thanks.
@Sobeks_Fist - My apologies - I didn't have my rule book so wasn't sure about the PPP. Given its not a magic standard, its fine!
@Sobeks_Fist keep the BSB on a scar vet, but dont give it a magic standard. A scar vet who is BSB with no magical standard can take the usual...
@n810 - Being the saddo I am, I just happen to have the Army Book with me. :oops: It says "A Saurus Scar-Veteran or Skink Chief that carries a...
Yes but the list says 25. With 25 he can still only take 3 krox. However I can't fault your maths! ;) I should have put the 24 bit in my...