I think the BSB Scar vet is illegal. The army book says a scar vet who carries a magic standard cannot have other magic items. I don't have my...
What about casting values? With Wyssans, I guess a min of 3 dice is needed for a skink, and that is potentially a big % of the power pool (even...
As a returing player, (back from 1st edition about 30 years ago!!!!) I've not known anything but 8th. However it strikes me that if warhammer is...
After taking advice from the more experience denizens of Lustria, I took on High Elves last night. All views/comments are based on my view point,...
Reconfigured list: Slann, becalming, harmonic, focus of mystery, egg, channeling staff, BSB, std of discipline. Heroes as above, but skink priest...
Stonecutter, thanks. I was 50/50 between wd and high magic anyway so no issue. Feel a complete numpty about the arcane items - D'Oh! Definitely...
In a post on the Discussion thread, I asked for advice for an up coming battle as I'm a bit of a noob. Taking those suggestions and adding to my...
@lordkingcrow - How about we start SWAS - Saurus Warriors Appreciation Society? Who else wants to join? :D :meh:
Coming from a background of Ancient wargaming (playing with either Macedonian or Republican Roman armies - Both steady infantry based armies) got...
Thanks for the responses everyone, and hope for more to come! I'm sold on Loremaster High Magic. Liked it from the beginning. Gives me a nuke...
Looking for some advice for the Scarvets and Oldbloods on here please.... I've got my first game for many months next week, against High Elves at...
While still something of a newbie on here, one thing I have picked up is that a few people would only use Krox in a unit of 6 minimum, preferably...
Not sure where to put this, but was glancing at the army book over the weekend and while I've not read the End of Times stuff, picked up some from...
As a Causual Gamer, looks like I've got safety in numbers! I'd like to have a go at Competitions and do battle reports, but real life always gets...
While still feeling like a noob here, I can say that Fiery Convocation from High Magic will wreck a unit of rats (the smaller variety Clan Rats?)....
Thank you for clearing that up Law Gnome. Makes perfect sense to me now.
Do two AP things stack? (eg the Razor Standard and Biting Blade) to give a -2 to Armour Saves?
There's also Quartermaster. No idea which is best, but guess they do the same thing.
Unless I'm reading it wrong, I think your Skrox unit has too many Krox in it (I don't have the army book with me to check). Working from memory,...
Cngratulations on getting 2 wins from 2 games.