Hah, didn't notice this was here. I have multiple (non Lizardman admittedly) Warhammer Fantasy character models in my project pipeline right now I...
That's rich coming from Hermione, the queen of nerds :p I've long thought of that connection, good to see it realised as a meme at last - though...
That banner definitely looks Arnorian as well, though it is tattered so perhaps it's something Angmar-related, standing on a torn Arnor banner,...
I'm surprised how diligently the Wayback Machine has captured our most sacred of forums... it had even taken two separate captures of my...
Even Alfrid has his uses (in mocking wokists :p): [IMG]
The Skaven miniatures are great - the Gnaw-beast works as a fine Great Pox Rat stand-in, it'll be fun coming up with Fantasy rules for the Ratling...
It misses out 'The Shirt Tear-off' :p
It would be interesting to see. If anybody has any screenshots of previous incarnations of our beloved forum, I reckon it'd be our glorious...
Hmm... a woke trans creep being tortured unto eternity while locked in a giant killing machine to pay penance for sins. That actually wouldn't be...
Not really, given that in Fantasy GW have always been lore-biased toward Empire :grumpy:
If I were to get into Tomb Kings, these would definitely be my Ushabti pick, great-looking models that look more like statues than the...
I'm a rook... I'll take it. I/ENFPs as Knights is perfect - scatty and unorthodox but still have their uses :p
You've answered your question - because it's Skaven to a tee to make a shield that protects the more important gunner and not the expendable...
Those Jezzails look great - they're an excellent update of the old metal pair. I'll certainly see if I can pick some of these up at some point for...
Tolkien laid out the law in his mythology for Middle-Earth that Evil could not create as Good could, only corrupt and destroy what Good had built....
RIP one of the great legendary British actors and a staunch ally in the fight against the curse of wokism (he was critical of Rings of Power in...
He/she/it is right... Games are for everyone. Including cis white men. Sorry cisphobic anti-white racist misandrists, comics don't belong to you...
The No.1 rule for keeping games fun and balanced! Great to hear you've found yourself a fun group that keeps the proper 40K ruleset alive. I've...
7th Edition eh? Interesting... I thought 7th was in one of the biggest messes of any edition after they had finished with it. Unless you and a...
I remember when all the yearly sub-in-a-box Grombrindals came out from Pilot onwards (my first WD issue was July 2010), it was fun seeing what...