I shall not yield to them, for as long as one Lizard still stands defiant, Lustria will prevail! We shall hold them until the midnight hour,...
They already existed in Third Edition and are pretty much the AoS equivalent of 40K Stratagems I think... a horrible idea, as they dictate how a...
I certainly agree that dispel range is something that adds some new tactical decisions in TOW, specifically oriented around movement - now you...
Huh, it certainly seems as though I did forget... but for strange reasons the bonus only applies when the higher-ground unit charges. By contrast,...
About to begin a 2500 point 6th Edition 40K game today - Necrons VS Dark Eldar, a Xenos royal rumble!
I certainly can't deny the quality of the painting, but still not my cup of tea. I'd certainly rather the creator chose a more interesting subject...
Neither of which we actually need anyway because the current versions of both those sets are still fine, especially the Chaos Terminators which...
Correct. I briefly showed some interest in AoS during much of the 2nd Edition era, when it seemed quite appealing as a fun, fast and furious...
Some very nice River Trolls, but... if you're going to make them as Chaos Trolls, where are the mutations? Otherwise their non-Chaotic brothers...
I honestly would disagree about Skink Skirmishers being that good - I'd much rather take Jungle Swarms as an Unbreakable charge-blocker that...
When I referred to 'earlier Editions', I meant the two Editions immediately prior to (i.e. earlier than) TOW, 7th and 8th, which are good games in...
Ungrim Ironfist, the Slayer King of Karak Kadrin - a true legend among Dawi! [IMG] Good choice!
Pleasing for Imhotep fans too ;)
As for the other releases, from the AoS announcement video I noticed there will be a plastic Warlord on Brood Horror coming plus plastic Jezzails...
[IMG] My hopes and dreams have come true! The Dawi are here at last! I honestly thought I had enough Dwarf command figures, but those new...
One for my fellow Python fan @Scalenex: [IMG]