Hey, you forgot this champ: [IMG] I don't play Blood Bowl but I can just see him being a real troll, hooking the ball to his position just when...
Agreed, the others are just more generic barbarian-types as we have seen in Warcry warbands and so on, but this one is particularly unusual and...
£60 here, not that bad compared to a lot of other GW monster models, particularly a lot of the ones released for AoS which regularly reach £100....
Today it seems GW are after @WildColonial Boy's heart: [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Blood Bowl Gnomes! I never thought they'd...
I'm not bothered about that :D
And Dwarfs, High Elves and Beastmen!
I agree... I certainly don't recall Skink Chiefs on Stegadons in previous Editions being able to barge their crewmates out of the way and fire...
And for the Bretonnians we have the new Foot Knights: [IMG] The 'new' Bretonnian Duke/Baron/Paladin on foot sculpt (which now apparently is...
Anyway, we don't need to talk about Age of Skubmar when we can talk about TOW... I'm surprised nobody else noticed that the second wave of TOW...
Certainly those were the rumours circulating around for a while. I hope they don't redo the Clanrats, Stormvermin, Screaming Bell/Plague Furnace...
The chap who made it is now offering the full book as a PDF for anyone to be able to send off copies of it to their favourite PDF printing service...
I'd definitely say either 8th or TOW, depending on your preference. If you're an existing 8th player then I'd still say give TOW a try, and if you...
Hardly 'with ease'. The only variant they beat in any form of comfort is the Khorne Warriors. I'll certainly admit that the Khorne build is not as...
My goodness, did I really last post here over half a year ago? In which case I must amend that! I can’t remember when I started these to be...
For a start, all three are very strong against the Saurus Warriors. Even the Khorne Warriors, who are ultimately wiped out, still reduced that...
I know how you've had your heart set on that Throgg-star. That'll be a fun thing to keep you busy while watching stuff, I too enjoy making models...
Chaos Trolls I presume... GW ones obtained off EBay or another company's efforts?
My red earlier Edition ones are the pocket-sized versions from the Battle for Skull Pass and Island of Blood boxed games, so they're Little Red...
"You forgot the magic word." "What magic word?" "Why, 'please'".
A certain big blue book has made its way into my life: [ATTACH]