But of course you don't play that game (and I don't blame you there, the constant rules refreshes for that one are particularly ridiculous).
Good to see you getting in on the TOW action! Which army have you gone for?
That is only my Fantasy armies I'm talking about... I have 5 40K armies as well!
You'll have to ask the chap who painted them, the post is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/warhammeroldworld/permalink/1508625750024341/
I be like "I want a plain but decently feminine gf" and dress like that (i.e. normally and decently-masculine), but all I find everywhere I go:...
[IMG] ... Hodor
All right, here comes my list! The DeLorean (Back to the Future): For once I'm in agreement with everyone else on here - Back to the Future is...
An interesting point, though of course it only works if the monster hits the unit in the flank or rear. I was expecting some special rule allowing...
If he's up against a War Machine-playing army, he can sub out one of his Necromancy spells for Monsoon from the Lore of Lustria. That plus the...
Interesting, though I can't see it in its rules or in the rulebook.
Fixed that for you ;)
Well thanks @Imrahil, ever since you posted these chaps I've been compelled to look up new ways in which to convert Dawi-Zharr and out of nowhere...
Post 5 - Monsters Stegadon: Our Stegs have remained largely as before, with their points values remaining the same, and on one hand their Impact...
Here it is, had to wait for an opportunity to get access to a laptop because my phone's rubbish at sharing pictures... [IMG]