Hey, so if you can spend some money, something like this should still work: Allegiance: Seraphon - Constellation: Thunder Lizard - Mortal...
If we think back to the lore they presented some time ago, (Draconith want to venture out to find their culture and meaning.. stuff...) I would...
Skink Priest costs 80 Points and Skink Starpriest costs 130 points in AoS 3.0. You could just take out the Endless Spell: Burning Head and all...
Welcome in the realms of Lustria, may your manifastation further the Great Plan! With TL (Thunder Lizards) you've made a good choice for AoS 3.0...
Welcome, may your loathsome beasts quench thier hunger on the enemies of the Seraphon / Lizardmen.
Well, as it's written it will stay under your control. That's also how my playgroup understands it.
Like everyone else I gotta say groups of five Saurus Knights! They are our best screen right now, coverring the most distance, having good...
I put the Emerald Lifeswarm in for your EotG + Slann center strategy. If you want to put more MW out I suggest Suffocating Gravetide and if you...
Fairly new player here, so keep that in mind, don't write my words in stone... I don't know what I do!! ;) I would almost never take 10 Knights...
Yes you almost always want knights in 5 man units, funnily enough Caleb ex nihilo posted a youtube video today, that explains Saurus Knights...
I really like the adjustments Tyranitar suggests and Blitzkriyg makes a good point too. With some Summoning you should be able to get the Grand...
Seem's about right, TL is really good now. Also I always feel you want Salamander's with Starborne, they're still strong! Porting them in and...
General advice: You can copy the list from Warscroll Builder if you click on the question mark besides the download arrow and then use the copy...
Good morning, I had to google what an Escalation League is and must say it sound's awesome! I can imagine it helps greatly with motivation, wish...
Yes of course! When I first saw the points for 3.0 I thought, wow Saurus Sunblood seems realy strong now, I totally forgot! Having Gotrek...
So while I'm still at 1000 points, it's time to really my allies and build a real army. Here's my plan for 2000 points right now: Allegiance:...
Hmm we can get you to four behemots without losing one, just throwing ideas out there... You could cut one Bastiladon (-235p) and ten Skinks...
Ok got it done, I just printed it on two DinA4 foils, excuse me the reflection... :rolleyes: [IMG] For anbody who want's to try them here are the...
For me it's a strange thing between the Orruk and Duardin, to orderly for one and to savage for the other...
What is the preferred objective "tool" in Lustria? My playgroup just tossed some d20 on the table to mark as objective and called it a day. No...