Hello there. I also started recently with some friends and we got quite some army's at the 1k range to get a feeling for the game and the...
For tabeltop play like a wish that would be? or for looks and style alone as your next big modeling/painting project? For play our biggest...
That's a hard choice for sure... Normally I would say drop a Priest but with invocations they got a real powerup, sadly I have no experience with...
Not sure what models you got or if that's a concern for you but, are Saurus Guard a must for you? If not, you could drop them for an Engine of the...
It would feel really wasted to make a story for something akin to the ancestors of- or first Dragons, giving it a narative to recover their true...
You know what, I belive you are right. The leak here (New FAQs) gave us hope, but the Errata reveals thats only for the Battletome Lores if I get...
So I'm completly new to AoS, that's 6 Matches played at 1k Points, one of them in AoS 3.0. But here is what I came up with: Allegiance: Seraphon...
After lurking around for some time in the realms of Lustria Online, I finally decieded to reveal my part in the Great Plan, let the Slann's decide...