Yeah I'm actually gonna invest in some more Slann soon I think :) but the warmaster ones were just for completing the set and fitting them into...
I'm going to have to picture all my Slann again and see what one I'm missing
Oh wait that's the variant I've got I think :P
2 on Ebay one 72£ one 104£ - not including the high postage to me :P
@NIGHTBRINGER we both need it :( we need some wealthy people to gift them to us :D
Its really good :D in my opinion anyways :P My brother told me the person who made it is in the process of saving up to buy the right back of...
Its an old hex based game system by Hasbro it stopped production in the Uk years ago and probably in the states sometime after that but they...
Oh wait no...I'm missing that one warmaster wasn't I...I remember now It costs like 60£ or is super rare :( - and I put it into Heroscape for my...
I have plans to focus on a Slann council army - I'm collecting a gathering of long neck dinosaurs for thunder lizard converts and going to combine...
I think I have all the Slann variants I'm not sure I lost one of my forgeworld Slann so down to 1 of those :P I think I'm down to like 20 Slann?
So effective :D I guess I need to get hold of some Tyranid bodies
This is amazing I want some models like these :D how have you made this?
I'm an idiot I just realised my email was hacked so i'm locked out of it am I registered as interested under - if not...
Are you building them to play with or for aesthetics more because that'll affect your choice Edit: It sounds like you're looking to play with them :D
I'm in love with your tray designs
I don't wanna be annoying but recently read I think @The Red Devil advise against this as then sometimes they vanish from the site better to have...
Update: my mum said I could use the shed at the end of the garden so I'm gonna clear it out and have a Warhammer Den I think :D
I believe with work they can be. they are a lot thinner though more agile in appearance - I have had one Saurus rider on one in a job lot I got....
I'm thinking some expanding filler it has an air hole in it at the bottom but I'm looking to drill into it abit to build a howdah - gonna ask my...
Hey I have a plastic dinosaur I wanna use a convert but its got air inside the body so is a soft squishy one what could I pour inside to fill it...