Woah that pyramid came along in leaps and bounds
Yeah...patience.....*puts away protest signs*..... :P no worries
From using old grass type things in the past I would imagine this has the risk of looking tacky but really that's done wonders for the model and...
And I have entered my story so long as the word count is fine I think I'm officially in this one :D
Making up a story on the spot...dooodooodooo this is my song...
.Txt file open...I pity whoever needs to edit what becomes of this
Oh this means I will be writing mine tonight possibly tomorrow :D
Once again I have forgotten about this till the last min..and by forgot I mean tell myself each day I'll do it tomorrow :P
The Red Dread is amazing love it
get rid of or sell :P we're highjacking the thread heavily so pm me about them :)
let me know because I have 20-30 handlers also :P and some of the ugly new salamaders but you wouldn't want them :P
Thanks avatar is made by @n810 and my other avatar is made by @Bowser but I haven't used that one in awhile :) Name was my own creation :P...
I shipped to USA for I think around 10£ abit higher I think though so it'd be similar to Canada I imagine - I have like 4 lord Kroaks in my...
Yeah I'm selling a good lot of Warhammers nothing listed yet I have just about everything in varying stages of the hobby I'm UK based but if ur...
Probably a good 80% in varying condition
I'm in need of a finecast kroak probably gonna sell my metal ones for it :)
Slanns are staying ;P I dunno though...now I'm doubting to keep even those...sell everything?
Well I'm taking some figures out to make heroscape figures my brother took some of my Lizardmen to make some (I say took I sold him them :P) I'm...
I'm also selling a set of 6 battle boards never used or primed or anything still in the case they came in but they are heavy so I'm selling those...
A bit of everything I guess I have like 20 stegs xD about 40 odd or more cavalary that need work either fixing or painting or both - a good lot of...