It was a troll I didn't paint it I bought it ages ago from Ebay so hopefully wasn't the one @Carnikang wanted as I haven't bought any in months...
I guess you're all wondering what I've been up to.... YoloSwag [ATTACH]
I need to enter this now I have free time :)
Woah some amazing shizzle going on here
^.^ Secretnewyears ^.^
Really nice and effective storage unit :D
Any ones arrive before Christmas? Eager to find out or will it be all new years suprises :P
I don't normally make resolutions but I'll defiantly have a think and get back to this post :D
The thought just occured to me Just it looks like a hulk inspired thing or a radioactive hulk at least :P
Try breaking it up the colours not the model :)
If anyone is experiencing high postage costs let me know