Indeed. Classic models painted with dignity and respect. A worthy paintjob for the Children of the Gods. Said it before, wish this was the look...
No worries. As a writer, I tend to find constructive feedback more rewarding than people just singing praises, because it tells me what...
No... Medieval 2, then Empire came along with the Battlescape Engine (which was made specifically because of the emphasised use of gunpowder units...
Hmm, game is afoot. They are attracting eyes upon them, and leaving generic material behind to be examined? Shame on the Guns for this issue they...
I consider that to be partially propaganda. Like, yeah, the squabbling city-states do exist, but like you said, they can't realistically survive...
Erk... Right... The napkin crayon doodle. I don't think the High Elves and Empire being the only one depicted means that they are guaranteed to...
They're totally going to be last. Current trend is to do an Order and a Disorder faction at more or less the same theme, I wouldn't be surprised...
Ooh, that'd be sweet! *Looks around for the GeeDubs plant* It sure would be a profitable idea of Gee-Double-Ya to release a new generation of...
The Other Side - Blood Stained Leaves Konistag Erntezeit 13th, Drakwald Forest With the arrival of Fall, temperatures are starting to drop. One...
Careful, James Workshop might be peeking in your windows looking for targets to aim his flamethrower!
Azyrite, which in Age of Sigmar is only behind Sigmarite in terms of amazing metal to be used, though that could be propaganda. *Shrug* It goes...
@Killer Angel accidentally double posted the same post. It might just be his double-post being deleted Oh, right... yeah, I have a post gone......
Next on the agenda that isn't more redcoats... Pretty sure @JTSleep would like to see this chap done. [ATTACH] You can't kill the Messiah! But...
This, basically. While Native Americans are well known for using the bow in media, I personally can't think of any instance where an...
Early days indeed. I'm not the sort to make early brags... But I'll totally pre-emptively brag that I shall indeed be the next to ascend to...
British comedy versus American comedy... I can't remember the distinct difference enough to word it, but there is a YouTube vid floating around...
...Nose rings.... great target for grabbing and pulling in a fight. Then again, Slaanesh daemons probably get off on that. Really annoying...
Yes, I know... I was just chuckling at how the writers then never brought Q back into DS9, which kind of gave an air of "I'll make it sound like I...
Up until the fist to his jaw. Notice that Q left Sisko alone after that. Too intimidated by the physical prowess that was Benjamin Sisko.
Shh... that's what I'm slowly building myself to become in this dynamic...