I don't, off the top of my head. Don't recall if I'd ever read any such statistics at all. Part of my thinks Starborne would have more numbers, as...
They have structures within their temple-ships called Realmshaper Engines. For the Coalesced, when they land their temple-ship and decide to go...
Even when the slann isn't dead and the lizards feral, the skinks will take up that role while the slann is having their centuries long...
Easiest way to consider it is a carryover of the early AoS attempt to turn the Seraphon into Order Daemons. That got retcon'd into a sub faction...
Nakai the Wanderer: *Sad BOK sounds* Same. I like lizardmen for the lizards, not the toads with a weight issue :-p While I have my Slann model,...
September Goals: Paint one grown up Mandalorian-Jedi Grogu miniature Paint four assorted miniatures for assorted RPG purposes Assemble and...
You are right, I was getting muddled right up... for some reason I got muddled enough that I thought Mazadamundi was first generation which threw...
First generation are the most powerful, then every subsequent generation is watered down in power. At least that was my understanding, but...
Oof... I can feel the disdain. I've said it in the past, I'll say it again, AoS's biggest issue was that it was always intended as a replacement,...
Quite likely, the actual story is further along on AO3 (and a couple of other places), as I'm taking the opportunity to go through and make any...
Haha. I enjoy subverting the norms, within reason. :-P Once I have the bulk of my unpainted masses forced into colour-vision, I plan to get back...
Hola. Welcome to Lustria. Always good to see a fan of unorthadox conversions. And I feel ya with the taking pics; I have to use my phone and it...
Lore-wise eh? I'll expand my answer beyond simply "for the adorableness". While saurus have some amazingly cool heroes, Kroq-Gar being the...
*looks pointedly at my rulebooks for Kings of War, and the OnePageRules file on my PC* Or I can swap to a ruleset where I'm not getting jerked...
Boo! Be ashamed of that pun! As a skink you're meant to be far more creative than such a low hanging fruit! :-P Problem is, even if the points...