Round bases? I'm pretty certain there are commissars lurking who might take umbridge with such dated fantasy models on round bases. :-p
I think... Maybe a head shorter at most, but even if they are of height with a Dawi, their statures make them look smaller. Dawi are built like...
I didn't even try Legions Imperialis. If they'd tried making it proper 40k Epic, I would have been interested, but they went with Horus Heresy...
[IMG] I will give you a point for a nicer hat cutout... Only just noticed the white flecks. Bah, that shall represent my disdain for your silly...
Respectfully... the heads, or more specifically, the jaws, don't do it for the lizardman design. They aren't thick and carnivore-ish enough. I...
I feel like the guys at GeeDubs need to go read the Black Company series. You can have your ultra-powerful heroes duking it out... in the...
I'm sorry, I can't quite see you over that display of over compensation, what with how short you are. *Troll face* @Canas Ooh, long post. And on...
Ah, you'll get to read about how they are Order Daemons, and then nope, they're just a Azyr infused subtype/subfaction.
So, the impression I get is that GeeDubs tried to distance themselves somewhat from the overtly Tolkien influence, even with the grim shading that...
The worst part is when I see a box of whatever miniatures and think 'Cor, those will work for that one conversion project in my head' and grab...
One of the Princes has a bow for his on-foot variant, so he'd likely be used as the formation sergeant. Combining the two is a good idea, the...
Village of Tears Over five hundred years ago - Moretexl eyed the temple-host with a judging gaze. This entire venture felt like a fool’s...
Yup. And they are even Middenlanders, technically. We'll have to see what happens because I am definitely tempted. If I were to do so, they'd be...
*Ponder pose activate* Is it wrong that I'm looking at these models, and thinking "cor, they're good models" and instead of picturing myself...
That's fair. Also, the use of the term "warband" was more me giving a slight tongue-in-cheek jab at @Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl's issues with the...
Just more evidence that AoS would have been much better received if it was simply an alternate "squad/platoon level" ruleset for WFB. Or a warband...
Their favourite brand is noxia. :-P
Yes. I joined Lustria because lizards. Lizards everywhere. Except I found a strange fellow fixated on a race of vertically challenge angry people...
[IMG] As time passed, Boney grew more comfortable in his role, emerging as a bold and confident leader. Yet, each glance at his reflection...