That's fair enough. I personally prefer the Spess Mahrine Predator tanks to the Leman Russ, but the Guard certainly have a wider selection of...
You have certainly taken a different approach than me with your kroxigors. I went with age, kroxigors are the only Lizardman subtype where their...
Saurus as Tempestus Scions, by chance? Or Kazrkin if you want them to be the proper badass Imperial Guard variant? Would have thought that a 40k...
Of course it is heresy. The Chaos Dwarfs by their very nature are heresy. It's in their very name! Chaos Dwarfs. Not much more you can get...
That is a beastly stegadon!
I concur. Very nice work on those Bretonnians.
Hmm... Are there any Roman symbols that haven't yet been taken by a chapter? Or Greek? Even if that would be departing from the theme of your...
Nice. What's the chapter sigil going to be?
Fingers crossed that it's a theme that instantly fills my head with possibilities and not a theme that makes me struggle to write anything that...
Tar-Qrax: *starts questioning his own name* Nakai: *Sad Bok* Agree with the difference between skink and saurus, punchy versus soft. I might have...
Day 20 Report Paint one grown up Mandalorian-Jedi Grogu miniature - Done Paint 4 miscellaneous/RPG models - Done Assemble and paint six Perry...
Hear hear. I do grasp at the good, though compared to when I started out I'm far more relaxed about it. Everybody enjoys their hobbies in their...
Unfortunately, I do believe in the End Times. I believe in the End Times in that I believe that was the exact moment that GeeDubs lined any common...
Tell you what, when playing as Skaven in Total Warhammer, no other faction can make you laugh nearly so much for accidently killing off your...
The Other Side - Forest Hell Marktag Vorgeheim 21st, Drakwald Forest Yesterday, our landsknecht reached the outer edge of the Drakwald Forest...
I know it's just because of the similarity in name to Moonraker, but god damnit, you just made me envision a Skaven parody of 007. "Gnawnd,...
That's half the fun. Pointing and laughing when the idiot slaverats get blown up by the room rocket that they were trying to get ready for launch....
*cough*Skaven*cough*Doom Rocket*cough* Sorry, had something stuck in my throat.
That can so easily be converted into a character for WFB. A Dawi-Zhaar lord of some variety.
Part of the problem is that the lighting in my home is... less than ideal. Though thankfully not as bad as last week when my lightbulb decided to...