No :p
I hope that the 9th age team just listens to what people are suggesting, instead of bullheadedly shoving their changes through.
Yea it makes no sense that they only had one guy working on it. I would rather wait another week or two or not get a sneak peek at all if it means...
I haven't given up on 9th age just yet. It will depend on the final book that will be released in April. I do think that they are going in the...
What annoys me aswell is the fact that all of this was done by one person?
Haha yea so far our "Elite Troops" are not that Elite :p
@Mr Phat Yea I know that is pretty painful to see. Looking at the thread I noticed that skirmishing Skinks in Core would be 75 points (for 10 I...
I am worried about these changes. It is basically one long list of nerfs. Some were needed: Spear back nerf Starfall Shard nerf Godly Engine...
Yea I prefer metal over failcast so I am kinda looking for metal models atm :P I think I will be a bit more patient and wait till I get a good...
Not sure if they actually stopped using finecast. I've been looking for them on ebay but they are all from US sellers so it would be like 30 euros...
Question: has anyone recently bought a GW Razordon kit from the webstore or GW store. I am curious to see if the quality of the Failcast has...
Good thing you didn't post this on T9A forum you would have been rediculed by some :P. Pinktaco is pretty much on the ball here with the things...
Nice nice I would love a baby Carno for my Warlord. However I don't think the saltiness will stop untill we are reduced to 8th edition TK :P
I'm just glad that LO still provides a relatively active playerbase that is actually nice and friendly to eachother. If you look at T9A forums...
Nice Magmadroth, I am working on my conversion aswell. Won't be ready in ages though :P Plus I love the army of Carnosaurs :P
I use 30x Saurus Warriors with +1 M banner and the 3+ AS as a solid anchor and to remove steadfast from blocks.
No Caimans :P but I can see why to take them. Basically using them for punch and having the benefit that wounds are split up.
I tried 2x 40 Skink Braves with FC, Poison and AHW backed with Lore of Nature, Ancient Steg with Godly Engine and a Thyroscutus (poison upgrade)....
I think that Lore of Heavens is a bit of a crappy matchup against UD, however it can be pretty nifty when combined with a Chief with that Serpent...
While it would be nice to be able to mount a Warlord on a baby Carnosaur I do think there might be some abuse coming from it. You can easily get a...