I'm liking this backup plan :P at least I would still be able to field 5x2 Skirmishers
Would you have more info about this backup plan?
Using the -1 to hit spells from patj of heavens/wilderness combined with the talisman can really help it survive in battle. Keep in mind that the...
I agree with the 0-3 option for both units. And what would the chances be of having skink hunters at a minimum of 10 models again? :P
Personally I do hope that the minimum size goes back to 10... I don't see myself using Skink Hunters at all with a base size of 12, due to...
I like the new roar. Takes out the punch of chargiing units :p i just hate the fact i have to redo all my skink.skirmishers
Not to mention we are talking about t2 models with 6/5+ as that is mostly negated by magic missiles. They are easy to remove, easy to kill and...
To be honest I don't think that the unit is too strong, but the ability to take so many of them. Wouldn't it have been an option to limit the use...
I have the same issue man. 3x 10 Skink Skirmishers with shields and 3 heavily customised movement trays that are unitspecific :(
Quick question I've noticed that the Skink hunters now have a minimum unitsize of 12 instead of 10 with a minimum cost of 90 points (102 with...
I know the feeling. It usually takes me a month or 2 at least to finish a unit just because it needs to look good in my eyes. If its a bit off...
Question: any idea when the update of the army books are going to come out? Was supposed to be 21st of Nov (roughly) :P
For me T5 for 10 points is an auto include. It will help you against alot of RnF, plenty of RnF has S4 options, cutting those wounds from 4s to 5s...
The good thing is that the new Razordons might be up for the job as cheap redirect. They do take precious Special points though. But at 58 per...
I usually run a dual Carno list and so I've been really interested in what kind of Core people would use. Would it now be viable to go for more...
So not entirely sure if this is the thread suited for this or not but still. How would you guys run your core options now? We've got access to...
For now it looks like 9th is a good version but I agree with previous statements that fliers could be very useful in your army.
Yea good point about them being defensive and all :P Keep up the good work!
Gave it an 8/10 Overall a good book, happy that Monster Mash lists got buffed and are less of a gimmick now. Also very glad that the 6+ Innate...
Looks like I got lucky then, mine arrived earlier (Belgium aswell) and no taxes.